Search term of British extraction has one result

EN DE Translations for of

of (o) [general] zu (o) [general]
of an
of auf
of (o) [general] für (o) [general]
of (n) vor (n)
of (o) [time] vor (o) [time]
of über
of (o) [books] durch (o) [books]
of (o) [general] mit (o) [general]
of (n) von (n)

EN DE Translations for british

British (proper adj) [citizens or inhabitants of Britain] Brite (proper adj) {m} [citizens or inhabitants of Britain]
British (proper adj) [citizens or inhabitants of Britain] Britin (proper adj) {f} [citizens or inhabitants of Britain]
British (a) [general] britisch (a) [general]
British Britisch
British (n) Engländer (n) {m}
British (proper adj) [citizens or inhabitants of Britain] Briten (proper adj) [citizens or inhabitants of Britain] (proper adj)
British brit. : britisch

EN DE Translations for extraction