Search term noble has 19 results
EN Synonyms for noble DE Translations
marvellous [excellent] wundervoll
splendid [excellent] prunkvoll
superb [excellent] vortrefflich
great [excellent] pfundig
good [excellent] artig
fine [excellent] Strafgeld
admirable [excellent] vortrefflich
compassionate [inclined to forgive] mitleid(s)voll
merciful [inclined to forgive] mitleidig
kind [inclined to forgive] Schlag {m}
charitable [inclined to forgive] wohltätig
free [inclined to forgive] lenzen
forgiving [inclined to forgive] vergebend
lord [nobleman] Lord
duke [nobleman] Herzog {m}
count [nobleman] mitzählen
prince [nobleman] Königskind {n}
king [nobleman] Dame {f}
aristocrat [nobleman] Königin {f}
earl [nobleman] Earl {m}