Search term Keep the Aspidistra Flying has one result

EN DE Translations for keep

to keep (v) aufheben (v)
to keep (v) [duration] anhalten (v) [duration]
keep aufhalten
keep (v) halten (v)
to keep (v) [position] halten (v) [position]
to keep (v) mitnehmen (v)
keep erhalten
keep hüten (sich)
keep aufbewahren
keep aushalten

EN DE Translations for the

the (n) das (n)
the (o) [definite article] das (o) [definite article]
the dem
the den
the (n) der (n)
the (o) [definite article] der (o) [definite article]
the (n) die (n)
the (o) [definite article] die (o) [definite article]
the (n) je (n)
the (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative''] je (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative'']

EN DE Translations for aspidistra

EN DE Translations for flying