Search term It is worthwhile emphasizing that ... has one result

EN DE Translations for it

it (n) sein (n)
it der
it er
it (a) es (a)
it (o) [pers. pron. - direct object] es (o) [pers. pron. - direct object]
it (o) [pers. pron. - subject] es (o) [pers. pron. - subject]
it (n) ihm (n)
it ihn
it sie
it Fangen

EN DE Translations for is

EN DE Translations for worthwhile

worthwhile wertvoll
worthwhile (a) wertvoll (a)
worthwhile (adj) [good and important enough to spend time, effort, or money on] wertvoll (adj) [good and important enough to spend time, effort, or money on]
worthwhile (a) [general] der Mühe wert (a) [general]
worthwhile (a) [general] lohnend (a) [general]
worthwhile (adj) [good and important enough to spend time, effort, or money on] lohnend (adj) [good and important enough to spend time, effort, or money on]
worthwhile lohnenswert
worthwhile (a) lohnenswert (a)
worthwhile zielführend

EN DE Translations for emphasizing

EN DE Translations for that

that (o) [intensifier] derartig (o) [intensifier]
that da
that weil
that (o) [intensifier] so (o) [intensifier]
that (conj determiner pronoun adv) [connecting a clause indicating purpose] damit (conj determiner pronoun adv) [connecting a clause indicating purpose]
that (o) [intensifier] dermaßen (o) [intensifier]
that (conj determiner pronoun adv) [connecting a clause indicating purpose] sodass (conj determiner pronoun adv) [connecting a clause indicating purpose]
that (o) [demonstrative] das (o) [demonstrative]
that (a) [indicative determiner - sg.] das (a) [indicative determiner - sg.]
that (o) [indicative pronoun] das (o) [indicative pronoun]

EN DE Translations for