Search term in the has 2 results
EN English DE German
in the im
in the (v) im (v)

EN DE Translations for in

in an
in auf
in (n) auf (n)
in (v) in (v)
in (o) [preposition] in (o) [preposition]
in (o) [proximity] in (o) [proximity]
in über
in (o) [proximity] bei (o) [proximity]
in (a) ein- (a)
in herein

EN DE Translations for the

the (n) das (n)
the (o) [definite article] das (o) [definite article]
the dem
the den
the (n) der (n)
the (o) [definite article] der (o) [definite article]
the (n) die (n)
the (o) [definite article] die (o) [definite article]
the (n) je (n)
the (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative''] je (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative'']