Search term in etw. herumstöbern has one result
DE German EN English
in etw. herumstöbern rifle

DE EN Translations for in

in (a) [Mode] very fashionable (a) [Mode]
in (o) [in jeder] to (o) [in jeder]
in (o) [Verhältniswort] inside (o) [Verhältniswort]
in (o) [Verhältniswort] within (o) [Verhältniswort]
in (a) [Mode] trendy (a) [Mode] (informal)
in (o) [Nähe] at (o) [Nähe]
in (o) [Verhältniswort] to the inside (o) [Verhältniswort]
in (v) [Art und Weise] in (v) [Art und Weise]
in (v) [Zeitspanne] into (v) [Zeitspanne]
in (v) [Richtung] in (v) [Richtung]

DE EN Translations for etw

etw (abbr) [abbreviation of something in explanation] (abbr) sth (abbr) [abbreviation of something in explanation] (abbr)

DE EN Translations for herumstöbern

herumstöbern (v) [suchen] snoop in (v) [suchen] (informal)
herumstöbern browse
herumstöbern nose around (informal)
herumstöbern poke around (informal)
herumstöbern fossick
herumstöbern grub about
herumstöbern dig around