Search term Hülle has 21 results
DE German EN English
Hülle (v) {f} cover (v)
Hülle (n) {f} sleeve (n)
Hülle (n) [Umhüllung] {f} covering (n) [Umhüllung]
Hülle (n) {f} case (n)
Hülle (n) [Umhüllung] {f} envelope (n) [Umhüllung]
Hülle (n) {f} shell (n)
Hülle {f} cover, sleeve, case
Hülle {f} cover
Hülle {f} jewel case
Hülle {f} casing
Hülle {f} casing
Hülle {f} wrapping
Hülle {f} sheathing
Hülle {f} pall
Hülle {f} cocoon
Hülle {f} husk
Hülle {f} pocket
Hülle {f} clothing
Hülle (n) [bag containing the lifting gas] {f} envelope (n) [bag containing the lifting gas]
Hülle {f} case
Hülle {f} sleeve

German English translations

DE Synonyms for hülle EN Translations
Bezug [Überzug] m procurement
Schicht [Überzug] f layer
Auflage [Überzug] f edition
Mantel [Überzug] m coat
Decke [Überzug] f carpeting
Unterlage [Überzug] f underlay
Anstrich [Überzug] m paint finish
Belag [Überzug] m (m lagging
Schutzschicht [Überzug] f overglassing
Schoner [Überzug] m schooner
Politur [Überzug] polish
Firnis [Überzug] (f varnish
Futteral [Überzug] (n sheath
Film [Überzug] m thin coating
Tünche [Überzug] f whitewash (pej.)
Vorwand [Vorgabe] m subterfuge (formal)
Tarnung [Vorgabe] f a smoke screen
Aushängeschild [Vorgabe] n showpiece
Alibi [Vorgabe] n alibi
Oberfläche [Außenseite] f surface