Search term flame tube plate has one result

EN DE Translations for flame

flame anmachen
flame Schwarm {m}
to flame (v) [blaze] anbrennen (v) [blaze]
to flame (v) [blaze] brennen (v) [blaze]
to flame (v) [blaze] lodern (v) [blaze]
flame (n) Flamme (n) {f}
flame (v) Flamme (v) {f}
flame (n) [general] Flamme (n) {f} [general]
flame beflammen
flame (v) beflammen (v)

EN DE Translations for tube

tube (n) [technical] Leitung (n) {f} [technical]
tube (n) Rohr (n) {n}
tube (n v) [a pipe] Rohr (n v) {n} [a pipe]
tube (n) [technical] Rohr (n) {n} [technical]
tube (n) [technical] Rohrleitung (n) {f} [technical]
tube (n) [television] Bildschirm (n) {m} [television]
tube Schlauch {m}
tube (n) Schlauch (n) {m}
tube Hülse {f}
tube (n) [botany] Gefäß (n) {n} [botany]

EN DE Translations for plate