Search term constitution has 17 results
EN English DE German
constitution (n) [character] Temperament (n) {n} [character]
constitution Verfassungsurkunde
constitution Staatsverfassung
constitution (n) [act or process of setting something up, or establishing something; composition, structure, makeup] Verfassen (n) [act or process of setting something up, or establishing something; composition, structure, makeup] (n)
constitution Statuten {n}
constitution Satzung {f}
constitution (n) [health] Konstitution (n) {f} [health]
constitution Zusammensetzung {f}
constitution (n) [character] Gemütsart (n) {f} [character]
constitution Einrichtung {f}
constitution Begründung {f}
constitution Bildung {f}
constitution körperliche Verfassung {f}
constitution (n) [law] Verfassung (n) {f} [law]
constitution (n) [act or process of setting something up, or establishing something; composition, structure, makeup] Verfassung (n) {f} [act or process of setting something up, or establishing something; composition, structure, makeup]
constitution (n) Verfassung (n) {f}
constitution Bau {m}
EN Synonyms for constitution DE Translations
kind [characteristic] loại
nature [characteristic] tạo hóa
law [body of laws] pháp luật
composition [physical nature] thành phần (n)
organisation [character] tổ chức
contract [treaty] hợp đồng (n v)