Search term coming from the west has 2 results
EN English DE German
coming from the west (a) [direction] West- (a) [direction]
coming from the west (a) [direction] vom Westen kommend (a) [direction]

EN DE Translations for coming

coming (a) [future] nahend (a) [future]
coming (o) [time] nahend (o) [time]
coming (a) [approaching] bevorstehend (a) [approaching]
coming (o) kommend (o)
coming (a) [approaching] kommend (a) [approaching]
coming (a) [approaching] nähernd (a) [approaching]
coming (n) [general] Ankunft (n) {f} [general]
coming (n) [general] Eintreffen (n) {n} [general]
coming (o) [time] auf dem Weg (o) [time]
coming (o) [time] im Anzug (o) [time]

EN DE Translations for from

from vor
from (n) von (n)
from (o) [origin] von (o) [origin]
from (o) [place] von (o) [place]
from (o) [time] von (o) [time]
from (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at] von (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at]
from (n) aus (n)
from (o) [place] aus (o) [place]
from (o) [time] aus (o) [time]
from (o) [origin] stammend von (o) [origin]

EN DE Translations for the

the (n) das (n)
the (o) [definite article] das (o) [definite article]
the dem
the den
the (n) der (n)
the (o) [definite article] der (o) [definite article]
the (n) die (n)
the (o) [definite article] die (o) [definite article]
the (n) je (n)
the (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative''] je (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative'']

EN DE Translations for west

west (n) Westen (n) {m}
west (n adj adv) [compass point] Westen (n adj adv) {m} [compass point]
west (n) [direction] Westen (n) {m} [direction]
west (o) [direction] nach Westen (o) [direction]
west (a) [direction] West- (a) [direction]
west (a) [direction] westlich (a) [direction]
west (a) [general] westlich (a) [general]
west (a) [direction] vom Westen kommend (a) [direction]
west (o) [direction] westwärts (o) [direction]
west West {m}