Search term comfort station has one result
EN English DE German
comfort station Bedürfnisanstalt {f}

EN DE Translations for comfort

to comfort (v) [pain] beruhigen (v) [pain] (sich)
to comfort (v) [pain] beschwichtigen (v) [pain]
to comfort (v) [pain] besänftigen (v) [pain]
to comfort (v) [pain] erleichtern (v) [pain]
to comfort (v) [pain] lindern (v) [pain]
to comfort (v) [pain] mildern (v) [pain]
comfort Hilfe {f}
comfort ermutigen
to comfort (v) [console] aufmuntern (v) [console]
comfort (n) [ease] Annehmlichkeit (n) {f} [ease]

EN DE Translations for station

station Haltestelle {f}
station (n) [public transportation] Haltestelle (n) {f} [public transportation]
station Sender {m}
station (n v) [To put in place to perform a task] postieren (n v) [To put in place to perform a task]
station Rang {m}
station Stellung {f}
station aufstellen
station Fernsprechapparat {m}
station Lokal {n}
station Werk {n}