Search term abgestanden has 4 results
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German English translations

DE Synonyms for abgestanden EN Translations
farblos [geschmacklos] uncolored
gleichförmig [geschmacklos] uniform
langweilig [geschmacklos] uninspiring
fade [geschmacklos] bland
lasch [geschmacklos] limp
öde [geschmacklos] desolate
schal [geschmacklos] dull
kraftlos [geschmacklos] nerveless
fad [geschmacklos] flat
gehaltlos [geschmacklos] unsubstantial
flau [geschmacklos] stagnant
ungesalzen [geschmacklos] not salted
ungewürzt [geschmacklos] insipid
ohne Geschmack [geschmacklos] insipid
salzarm [geschmacklos] low in salt
salzlos [geschmacklos] salt-free
wässerig [geschmacklos] watery
dünn [fad] flimsy
wässrig [fad] watery
schlecht [übel] sick to one's stomach