English German
Terror on the 40th Floor Hochhaus in Flammen
Terror on the Britannic 18 Stunden bis zur Ewigkeit
terror returnee Terrorrückkehrer
Terror Squad The Terror Squad
Terror Storm Tornado
terror suspect Terrorverdächtiger
terror suspects Terrorverdächtige
Terror Tract Der Makler
Terror Train Derailed - Terror im Zug
terror trial Terrorprozess
terror warning Terrorwarnung
terror-stricken zu Tode erschrocken
terrorise terrorisieren
terrorised terrorisiert
terroriser Terrorist
terrorisers Terroristen
terrorising terrorisierend
terrorism Terror
terrorism alert Terroralarm
terrorism expert Terrorismusexperte
terrorism financing Terrorismusfinanzierung
terrorism from above Terrorismus von oben
terrorism research Terrorismusforschung
terrorism suspect Terrorverdächtiger
terrorism suspects Terrorverdächtige
terrorist Terrorist
terrorist act terroristische Handlung
terrorist activities terroristische Aktivitäten
terrorist acts Terrorakte
terrorist alert Terroralarm
terrorist army Terror-Armee
terrorist association terroristische Organisation
terrorist associations terroristische Organisationen
terrorist attack Terroraktion
terrorist attacks Terrorangriffe
terrorist attempt at blackmail terroristischer Erpressungsversuch
terrorist bomb Terror-Bombe
terrorist bombing terroristische Bombenanschläge
terrorist camp Terroristencamp
terrorist campaign Terroraktion
terrorist cell terroristische Zelle
terrorist circle Terroristenkreis
terrorist command group Terrorkommando
terrorist commando Terrorkommando
terrorist danger Terrorgefahr
terrorist financing Terrorfinanzierung
terrorist girl Terror-Braut
terrorist group Terroristengruppe
terrorist groups Terror-Gruppen
terrorist handbook Handbuch des Terrorismus
terrorist hide-out Terroristenversteck
terrorist hide-outs Terroristenverstecke
terrorist hideout Terroristenversteck
terrorist high command Terrorkommando
terrorist hunt Terroristenhatz
terrorist incident terroristischer Vorfall
terrorist lair Terroristenversteck
terrorist leader Terrorchef
terrorist methods Terrormethoden
terrorist murder von Terroristen verübter Mord
terrorist network Terrornetz
terrorist organisation Terrororganisation
terrorist organisations Terrororganisationen
terrorist organization Terrororganisation
terrorist organizations Terrororganisationen
terrorist outrage Terroranschlag
terrorist plan Terror-Plan
terrorist plans Terror-Pläne
terrorist regime Terrorregime
terrorist returnee Terrorrückkehrer
terrorist scare Terrordrohung
terrorist scene Terroristenszene
terrorist state Terror-Staat
terrorist suspect Terrorverdächtige
terrorist suspects Terrorverdächtige
terrorist threat Terrorgefahr
terrorist threats Terrorgefahren
terrorist training camp Terror-Camp
terrorist trial Terroristenprozess
terrorist warning Terrorwarnung
terrorist warning level Terrorwarnstufe
terrorist's girl Terroristen-Braut
terrorist's moll Terroristen-Braut
terroristic terroristisch
terrorists Terrorist
Terrorists are trying to turn this situation to their own advantage. Diesen Umstand versuchen sich Terroristen zunutze zu machen.
terrorists' camp Terroristencamp
terroristses Terroristen
terrorization Einschüchterung
terrorize terrorisieren
terrorize sb. jdn. in Angst und Schrecken versetzen
terrorizer Terrorist
terrorizers Terroristen
terrorizes terrorisiert
terrors of the slopes Pistenrowdys
Terrors on Horseback Fuzzy, der Held des Westens
terry Frottee
terry ... Frottee...
terry bathrobe Frotteebademantel
terry bathtowel Frotteebadetuch
Terry Bozzio Terry Bozzio
terry briefs Frottee-Slip
Terry Brooks Terry Brooks
Terry Chimes Terry Chimes
terry cloth Frottee
terry cloth briefs Frottee-Slip
terry cloth panties Frottee-Slip
terry cloth seat cover Frotteesitzbezug
terry cloth towel Frotteehandtuch
Terry County Terry County
terry fabric Frottiergewebe
Terry Fox Terry Fox
Terry Gilliam Terry Gilliam
Terry Goodkind Terry Goodkind
Terry Jones Terry Jones
Terry McDermott Richard McDermott
Terry on the Fence Terry in der Klemme
terry panties Frottee-Slip
Terry Pratchett Terry Pratchett
Terry Pratchett's The Colour of Magic Color of Magic - Die Reise des Zauberers
Terry Sawchuk Terry Sawchuk
terry sheet Frotteetuch
terry shirt Frotteehemd
terry sock Frotteesocke
terry socks Frotteesocken
terry towel Frottiertuch
terry towels Frotteehandtücher
terry-cloth Frottee
terry-cloth briefs Frottee-Slip