English German
Newton Aycliffe Newton Aycliffe
Newton County Newton County
Newton Falls Newton Falls
Newton fractal Newton-Fraktal
Newton metre Newtonmeter
Newton reasoned there must be a force making an apple fall down. Newton folgerte, dass es eine Kraft geben müsse, die das Herunterfallen eines Apfels bewirkt.
Newton scale Newton-Skala
Newton's alloy Newton-Legierung
Newton's balls Newton-Pendel
newton's cradle Kugelstoßpendel
Newton's first law erstes Newton'sches Gesetz
Newton's golden bowerbird Säulengärtner
Newton's imaging equation Newton'sche Linsengleichung
Newton's interpolation formula Gregory'sche Interpolationsformel
Newton's interpolation formula with backward differences Newton'sche Interpolationsformel mit aufsteigenden Differenzen
Newton's interpolation formula with forward differences Newton'sche Interpolationsformel mit absteigenden Differenzen
Newton's law of cooling Newton'sches Abkühlungsgesetz
Newton's law of gravitation Newton'sches Gravitationsgesetz
Newton's laws of motion Newton'sche Gesetze
Newton's lense equation Abbildungsgleichung
Newton's metal Newton-Metall
Newton's method Newton-Verfahren
Newton's method of approximation Newton'sches Näherungsverfahren
Newton's parakeet Rodrigues-Sittich
Newton's rings Newton'sche Ringe
Newton's yellow-breasted sunbird Gelbbrust-Nektarvogel
Newton-Cotes formula Newton-Cotes-Formel
Newton-Cotes formulas Newton-Cotes-Formeln
Newton-Euler approach Newton-Euler'scher Ansatz
Newton-Raphson algorithm Newton-Raphson-Algorithmus
Newtonian fluid Newtonsches Fluid
Newtonian mechanics klassische Mechanik
Newtonian reflecting telescope Newton'sches Spiegelteleskop
Newtonian reflector Newton-Reflektor
Newtonian telescope Newton-Teleskop
Newtown Newtown
Newtown St. Boswells Newtown St. Boswells
Newtownabbey Newtownabbey
Newtownabbey Borough Council Newtownabbey
Newtownards Newtownards
newts Molche
newvicon Newvicon
Newvicon tube Newvicon-Röhre
nexeridine Nexeridin
NexGen NexGen
Nexhmije Hoxha Nexhmije Hoxha
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Next Day Air Lieferung mit Hindernissen - Killer frei Haus
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Next Friday Next Friday
next generation Folgegeneration
Next Generation Adelaide International ATP Adelaide
Next Generation Networking Next Generation Network
next generations Folgegenerationen
next header Next-Header-Feld
next highest nächsthöher
next hop resolution protocol NHRP-Protokoll
next largest zweitgrößter
next line Folgezeile