English German
bridge abutment Brückenpfeiler
bridge across the Alster Alsterbrücke
bridge across the Danube Donaubrücke
bridge across the Elbe Elbbrücke
bridge across the Ems Emsbrücke
bridge across the Fulda Fuldabrücke
bridge across the Havel Havelbrücke
bridge across the Isar Isarbrücke
bridge across the Lahn Lahnbrücke
bridge across the Main Mainbrücke
bridge across the Moselle Moselbrücke
bridge across the Nahe Nahebrücke
bridge across the Neckar Neckarbrücke
bridge across the Oder Oderbrücke
bridge across the Rhine Rheinbrücke
bridge across the river Brücke über den Fluss
bridge across the Saale Saalebrücke
bridge across the Saar Saarbrücke
bridge across the Spree Spreebrücke
bridge across the Thames Themsebrücke
bridge across the valley Talbrücke
bridge across the Werra Werrabrücke
bridge across the Weser Weserbrücke
Bridge Across Time Der City Cop
bridge amplifier Brückenverstärker
bridge approach Brückenauffahrt
bridge approach road Brückenauffahrt
bridge arm Brückenzweig
bridge atom Brückenatom
bridge atoms Brückenatome
bridge balance Brückenabgleich
bridge bank Überbrückungsbank
bridge battery Überbrückungsbatterie
bridge beam Fahrbahnträger
bridge bearing Brückenlager
bridge bearings Brückenlager
bridge branch Brückenzweig
bridge building Brückenbau
bridge cable Brückenkabel
bridge camera Prosumerkamera
bridge cameras Prosumerkameras
bridge carriageway Brückenfahrbahn
bridge castle Brückenburg
bridge castles Brückenburgen
bridge central part Brückenmittelteil
bridge central parts Brückenmittelteile
bridge circuit Brücke
bridge circuits Brückenkreise
Bridge City Bridge City
bridge clearance height Brückendurchfahrtshöhe
bridge club Bridgeclub
bridge collapse Brückeneinsturz