DE German dictionary: Flieger
Flieger has 68 translations in 14 languages
translations of Flieger
- flyer (n) [Luftfahrt - Mann]
- aviator (n) [Luftfahrt - Mann]
- airman (n) [Luftfahrt - Mann]
- plane
- flier (n) [Luftfahrt - Mann]
- airmen (n) [Luftfahrt]
- airplane pilot (n) [Luftfahrt - Mann]
- airplane (n)
- aeroplane (n) {Ü|en|}
- pilot (n) [Luftfahrt - Mann]
- spiral
- skipper
- sprinter
- skippers
- spirals
- aircraftman
- airplanes
- flying jib (n)
- aviators
- birdman
- airman basic
- jib topsail
- flyers
- Airman Basic
- paper plane
- paper airplane
- aircraft captain
- aircraft captains
- Flight
- paper aeroplane
- aircraftman 2nd class
- private 2nd class
DE ES Spanish 4 translations
DE IT Italian 4 translations
DE PT Portuguese 4 translations
- piloto [Luftfahrt - Mann, someone who pilots or rides in an airplane] {m}
- aviadores [Luftfahrt] (mp)
- aviador [Luftfahrt - Mann] {m}
- piloto de avião [Luftfahrt - Mann] {m}
DE NL Dutch 4 translations
- vliegers [Luftfahrt] (p)
- piloten [Luftfahrt] (p)
- piloot [Luftfahrt - Mann] {m}
- vliegenier [Luftfahrt - Mann] {m}
DE SV Swedish 5 translations
- jagare (n) (u)
- flygplan (n) {n}
- flygare (n) [Luftfahrt, Luftfahrt - Mann] (u)
- pilot (n) [Luftfahrt - Mann] (u)
- flygförare (n)
DE FI fi 2 translations
- lentäjä [someone who pilots or rides in an airplane]
- lentomatkustaja (n v) [someone who pilots or rides in an airplane] (n v)
Words before and after Flieger
- Fliegenschwärme
- Fliegenspiesswespe
- Fliegenspießwespe
- Fliegenspray
- Fliegenteufel
- Fliegentraube
- Fliegentätscher
- Fliegentöter
- Fliegentöterpilzartige
- Fliegenwedel
- Flieger
- Flieger-Sonnenbrille
- Fliegerabwehr
- Fliegerabwehr-
- Fliegerabwehrkanone
- Fliegerabwehrkanone , Flak , FlaK
- Fliegerabwehrrakete
- Fliegerabzeichen
- Fliegeralarm
- Fliegeralarm auslösen
- Fliegeralarm geben