kreere has 10 translations in 5 languages

translations of kreere

DA PT Portuguese 1 translation
  • criar (v adj) [to design, invest with a new form, shape etc.]
DA DE German 1 translation
  • entwerfen (v adj) [to design, invest with a new form, shape etc.]
DA NL Dutch 3 translations
  • ontwerpen (v adj) [to design, invest with a new form, shape etc.]
  • scheppen (v adj) [to design, invest with a new form, shape etc.]
  • creëren (v adj) [to design, invest with a new form, shape etc.]
DA BG Bulgarian 2 translations
DA JA Japanese 3 translations
  • 創造する (v adj) [to design, invest with a new form, shape etc.] (v adj)
  • 創り出す (v adj) [to design, invest with a new form, shape etc.] (v adj)
  • 創作する (v adj) [to design, invest with a new form, shape etc.] (v adj)