zvážit has 18 translations in 12 languages

translations of zvážit

CS ES Spanish 1 translation
  • pesar (v) [to determine the weight of an object] {m}
CS FR French 1 translation
  • peser (v) [to determine the intrinsic value or merit of an object, to determine the weight of an object, to weigh out]
CS IT Italian 1 translation
  • pesare (v) [to determine the weight of an object]
CS PT Portuguese 2 translations
  • avaliar (v) [to determine the intrinsic value or merit of an object]
  • pesar (v) [to determine the weight of an object, to weigh out] {m}
CS DE German 3 translations
  • abwägen (v) [to determine the intrinsic value or merit of an object]
  • wiegen (v) [to determine the weight of an object]
  • abwiegen (v) [to weigh out]
CS NL Dutch 1 translation
  • wegen (v) [to determine the weight of an object]
CS SV Swedish 1 translation
  • väga (v) [to determine the intrinsic value or merit of an object, to determine the weight of an object, to weigh out]
CS PL Polish 1 translation
  • ważyć (v) [to determine the weight of an object]
CS BG Bulgarian 1 translation
CS HU Hungarian 2 translations
  • lemér (v) [to determine the weight of an object] (v)
  • kimér (v) [to weigh out] (v)
CS RU Russian 2 translations
  • взве́шивать (v) [to determine the intrinsic value or merit of an object, to determine the weight of an object, to weigh out] (v)
  • взве́сить (v) [to determine the intrinsic value or merit of an object, to determine the weight of an object, to weigh out] (v)
CS JA Japanese 2 translations