osprchování has 20 translations in 13 languages

translations of osprchování

CS ES Spanish 1 translation
  • ducha (n v) [instance of using of this device] {f}
CS FR French 1 translation
  • douche (n v) [instance of using of this device] {f}
CS IT Italian 1 translation
  • doccia (n v) [instance of using of this device] {f}
CS PT Portuguese 5 translations
  • banho (n v) [instance of using of this device] {m}
  • chuveiro (n v) [instance of using of this device] {m}
  • ducha (n v) [instance of using of this device] {f}
  • duche (n v) [instance of using of this device]
  • chuveirada (n v) [instance of using of this device] (n v)
CS DE German 2 translations
  • Dusche (n v) [instance of using of this device] {f}
  • Brause (n v) [instance of using of this device] {f}
CS NL Dutch 2 translations
  • douche (n v) [instance of using of this device] {m}
  • stortbad (n v) [instance of using of this device] {n}
CS SV Swedish 1 translation
  • dusch (n v) [instance of using of this device] (u)
CS PL Polish 1 translation
  • prysznic (n v) [instance of using of this device] {m}
CS HU Hungarian 2 translations
  • zuhany (n v) [instance of using of this device]
  • zuhanyzás (n v) [instance of using of this device]
CS AF Afrikaans 1 translation
  • stort (n v) [instance of using of this device]
CS RU Russian 1 translation
  • душ (n v) [instance of using of this device] (m)
CS JA Japanese 1 translation
CS VI Vietnamese 1 translation