544 abbreviations
Abbreviation | Meaning | |
A.A. | Augustiniani Assumptionis (Assumptionists) | |
A.B. | Artium Baccalaureus ("Bachelor of Arts") | |
Ab. | Abbas ("Abbot") | |
A.B.A. | Antoniani Benedictini Armeni (Mechitarists) | |
Abp. | Archbishop | |
Abs. | Absens ("Absent") | |
Absoluo. | Absolutio ("Absolution") | |
A.C. | Auditor Camerae (Auditor of the Papal Treasury) | |
AC | Ante Christum ("Before Christ") | |
ACN | Ante Christum Natum ("Before the Birth of Christ") | |
A.D. | Anno Domini ("Year of Our Lord") | |
a.d. | ante diem ("The day before") | |
A.D. | Ante Diem (e.g. in the phrase, "Ante Diem VI [or Sextum] Kal. Apriles", is equivalent to the sixth day before the Calends of April, counting both the Calends and the day intended to be indicated); or Anima Dulcis ("Sweet Soul") | |
Adm. Rev. | Admodum Reverendus ("Very Reverend") | |
Adv. | Adventus ("Advent") | |
al. | alii, alibi, alias ("others", "elsewhere", "otherwise") | |
Alb. | Albus ("White" Breviary) | |
Alr. | Aliter ("Otherwise") | |
A.M. | Anno Mundi ("in the year of the world") | |
A.M. | Artium Magister ("Master of Arts") | |
A.M.D.G. | Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam ("For the greater glory of God") | |
An. | Annus ("Year") | |
Ana, Ant. | Antiphon | |
Ann. | Anni ("Years") | |
Apost. | Apostolus ("Apostle") | |
Appatis. | Approbatis ("Having been approved") | |
Applica. | Apostolica ("Apostolic") | |
Ap. Sed. | Apostolica Sedes ("Apostolic See") | |
Ap. Sed. Leg. | Apostolicae Sedis Legatus ("Legate of the Apostolic See") | |
A.Q.I.C. | Anima Quiescat In Christo ("May his [or her] Soul Repose in Christ") | |
Archid. | Archidiaconus ("Archdeacon") | |
Archiep. | Archiepiscopus ("Archbishop") | |
Archiepus. | Archiepiscopus ("Archbishop") | |
Archiprb. | Archipresbyter ("Archpriest") | |
A.R.S. | Anno Reparatae Salutis ("In the year of Our Redemption") | |
A.U. | Alma Urbs ("Beloved City" i.e., Rome) | |
Aucte. | Auctoritate ("By the Authority") | |
Authen. | Authentica ("Authentic" e.g. letters) | |
Aux. | Auxilium, Auxilio ("Help", "With the help of") | |
B., BMT. | Bene Merenti ("To the Well-Deserving") | |
B.A. | Baccalaureus Artium ("Bachelor of Arts") | |
B. BB. | Beatus, Beati ("Blessed") | |
B.C. | Before Christ | |
B.C.L. | Baccalaureus Civilis [or Canonicae] Legis ("Bachelor of Civil [or Canon] Law") | |
B.D. | Bachelor of Divinity | |
Ben. | Benedictio ("Blessing") | |
Benevol. | Benevolentia ("Benevolence") | |
B.F. | Bona Fide ("In Good Faith") | |
B.F. | Bonae Feminae ("To the Good Woman") | |
B.I.C. | Bibas [for Vivas] In Christo ("May you Live In Christ") |