5814 abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
ASO Application Service Object
ASP Active Screen Protocol
ASP Advanced Spatial Parameterization
ASP Advanced Systems Protocol
ASR Apple Software Restore
ASR Automated System Recovery
ASRS Automatic Storage and Retrieval System
ASTS Asynchronous System Traps
ASU Apple Software Updates
@ at
ATA Advanced Technology Architecture
ATAM Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method
ATC Abstract Test Case
ATC Advanced Transfer Cache
ATE Append To End
ATI Activist Times Inc
ATISS Advanced Technology & Intelligent Systems Solutions
ATL Active Template Library
ATL Automatic Tape Library
ATM Adobe Type Manager
ATM Aschronous Transfer Mode
ATM Automated Transactional Management
ATMP Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol
ATP All Tests Passed
ATR Andy's Techno Rules
ATSF Alert Transport Service Facility
AUA Acceptable Use Agreement
AUBA Asociacion de Usuarios de Borland Argentina
AUBP Average Utilization of Batch Processors
AUGI Autodesk Users Group International
AUI Access Unit Interface
AUI Adaptable User Interface
AUI Application User Interface
AUI Attachment Unit Interface
AUI Attachment User Interface
AUM Annual Upgrade Maintenance
AUO Active User Object
AUP Any Usable Program
AUX Auxillary device, equipment, a peripheral
AVC Audio for Video Coding
AVC Average Variable Courseweb
AVL Advanced Vector Library
AVM Active Virtual Memory
AVR Advanced Virtual Risc
AVR Automatic Volume Recognition
AVT Automated Voice Technology
AVW Advanced Video Workstation
AW Alienware