collega has 92 translations in 17 languages

translations of collega

NL EN English 11 translations
  • associate [baan - vrouw, beroep - man, beroep - vrouw, baan - man]
  • colleague [baan - man, baan - vrouw, beroep - man, beroep - vrouw, fellow member of a profession]
  • partner [beroep - man, vrouw, man, beroep - vrouw]
  • fellow worker [baan - man, baan - vrouw, beroep - man, beroep - vrouw]
  • co-worker [baan - man, beroep - vrouw, baan - vrouw, beroep - man]
  • fellow [man, vrouw]
  • buddy [baan - man, baan - vrouw] (informal)
  • companion [man, vrouw]
  • mate [baan - man, vrouw, man, baan - vrouw]
  • comrade [baan - man, baan - vrouw, man, vrouw]
  • coworker (n) [somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate]
NL ES Spanish 9 translations
  • colega (n) [baan - vrouw, baan - man, vrouw, man, fellow member of a profession, beroep - vrouw, beroep - man] {m}
  • socio (n) [baan - man, beroep - man] {m}
  • compañero (n) [baan - man, baan - vrouw, beroep - man, fellow member of a profession, man] {m}
  • socia (n) [baan - vrouw, beroep - vrouw] {f}
  • compañera (n) [vrouw, baan - vrouw, beroep - vrouw] {f}
  • pareja (n) [baan - man, baan - vrouw, man, vrouw] {f}
  • camarada (n) [baan - man, baan - vrouw, man, vrouw] {m}
  • compañero de trabajo (n) [baan - man, somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate, man, beroep - man, baan - vrouw] {m}
  • compañera de trabajo (n) [baan - man, baan - vrouw, beroep - vrouw, man, vrouw] {f}
NL FR French 16 translations
NL DE German 16 translations
NL IT Italian 6 translations
  • collega (n) [baan - vrouw, beroep - man, beroep - vrouw, fellow member of a profession, man, somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate, vrouw, baan - man] {m}
  • compagno (n) [baan - man, baan - vrouw, man] {m}
  • compagna (n) [vrouw, baan - vrouw] {f}
  • partner (n) [baan - man, baan - vrouw, man, vrouw] {m}
  • compagno di lavoro (n) [baan - man, baan - vrouw, man] {m}
  • compagna di lavoro (n) [baan - man, baan - vrouw, man, vrouw] {f}
NL PT Portuguese 9 translations
NL SV Swedish 3 translations
  • kollega (n) [fellow member of a profession, somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate] (u)
  • medarbetare (n) [fellow member of a profession, somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate] (u)
  • arbetskamrat (n) [fellow member of a profession, somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate] (u)
NL CS Czech 1 translation
  • kolega (n) [fellow member of a profession]
NL PL Polish 2 translations
NL DA Danish 1 translation
  • kollega (n) [fellow member of a profession] (n)
NL BG Bulgarian 3 translations
NL HU Hungarian 3 translations
  • kolléga (n) [fellow member of a profession] (n)
  • kartárs (n) [fellow member of a profession] (n)
  • munkatárs (n) [somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate] (n)
NL RU Russian 4 translations
  • сотру́дник (n) [fellow member of a profession, somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate] (n)
  • сотру́дница (n) [fellow member of a profession, somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate] (n)
  • колле́га (n) [fellow member of a profession, somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate] (n)
  • сослужи́вец (n) [fellow member of a profession, somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate] (n)
NL SL Slovenian 4 translations
NL HI Hindi 1 translation
NL JA Japanese 2 translations
  • 同僚 (n) [fellow member of a profession, somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate] (n)
  • 同業者 (n) [fellow member of a profession] (n)
NL VI Vietnamese 1 translation
  • đồng nghiệp (n) [fellow member of a profession, somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate]